Treatment Of Vascular & Heart Diseases:

Myocarditis (myocarditis) | Ischemic heart disease | Restorative treatment after | heart attacks Lowering blood pressure | Atherosclerosis – vascular narrowing of the heart | Maintaining blood vessels in the brain | Prevention of stroke

Treatment Of Vascular & Heart Diseases:

The circulatory system has three components: blood, blood vessels, and the heart. The diseases that attack each of the components are usually different and do not affect the other two components. However, there are exceptions: for example, vascular disease that makes it difficult to circulate the blood can cause the heart to pump more strongly and weaken it over time. In addition to diseases that attack the three components of the system, there are several general medical conditions directly related to the circulatory system.

In direct relation to the importance of the vascular and heart system, it is clear that any deficiency, dysfunction, or disease that involves this system can cause life-threatening consequences. Diseases related to the vascular and heart system are the main causes of death worldwide. Medical conditions in this category include chronic regional heart disease, coronary heart disease, hypertension, stroke, and arterial, vein, and respiratory diseases.

Myocarditis (myocarditis) | Ischemic heart disease | Restorative treatment after | heart attacks Lowering blood pressure | Atherosclerosis – vascular narrowing of the heart | Maintaining blood vessels in the brain | Prevention of stroke

CBD as a treatment of Vascular and Heart Disease

The vascular and heart system is very essential in the human body. It is responsible for the critical tasks of transferring nutrients, hormones, and oxygen to all cells through the bloodstream. The vascular and heart system is also responsible for all waste disposal and by-products removal such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrogen waste through the same unique mechanism of action.

Numerous studies have found that phytocannabinoids [pCBs] and CBD, in particular, can cause a decrease in smooth muscle tension around blood vessels, leading to an increased vascular diameter that improves blood flow.

A single dose of cannabidiol reduces blood pressure in healthy volunteers in a randomized crossover study

Among the variety of mechanisms of action of CBD and its pharmacological properties, it has also been found that it acts as an agonist of the nuclear factor PPARγ, which helps to clear blockages in the arteries and reduces blood pressure. This means that CBD acts on the vascular and heart system in at least two ways: it dilates the blood vessels themselves and helps increase the activity of molecules that reduce blood pressure and remove “waste” from the walls of blood vessels.

The anti-anxiety trait of CBD also helps prevent an increase in blood pressure, because daily anxiety often causes an increase in blood pressure. In addition to these properties, studies funded by the U.S. government in the late 1990s found CBD to be one of nature’s strongest natural antioxidants and can help prevent several diseases associated with oxidative stress, such as vascular & heart diseases.

CBD was found to be effective in maintaining blood vessels and heart health. Increased oxidation of cells in the body, and in the vascular and heart system, in particular, is one of the causes of tissue dysfunction and the beginning of the process of accumulating dangerous precipitation on the walls of blood vessels. CBD helps the vascular and heart system eliminate toxic waste by significantly reducing its production.

Is the cardiovascular system a therapeutic target for cannabidiol?

Diseases and dysfunctions of the Vascular & Heart System In which CBD Is Effective:


Myocarditis is a disease that is one of the main causes of sudden death. The disease is characterized by the entry of inflammatory cells into the heart muscle cells (myocardial) and the process of eliminating hurt muscle cells (myocytes) by the inflammatory cells.

Monocytes become necrotic and their cell nuclei cannot be detected. The cell breaks down and releases its contents into the extracellular fluid. In most cases, the clinical condition ends without any complications, as a result, many times the inflammation is not diagnosed. The main causes of myocarditis are viruses, bacteria, prostis, and fungal infections, along with immune diseases. Symptoms of myocarditis can manifest themselves in chest pain and cramps, shortness of breath and difficulty breathing, flu symptoms, and accelerated heart palpitations.

CBD as a treatment of myocarditis:

A 2016 study looked at CBD as an option to treat myocarditis. The study found that in a model on mice where heart muscle inflammation was experimentally induced, CBD reduced inflammation severity and also benefited normal heart activity in other metrics. This efficacy is achieved because of the anti-inflammatory properties of CBD and because of its anti-fibrotic properties (that is, reduces the division of fibroblast connective tissue cells– a pathological process of creating connective tissue scar in the organ or tissue as an attempt by the body to repair itself from damage caused by bruising or inflammation). The researchers concluded the study, noting that CBD appears to have outstanding properties in treating experimental myocarditis.

Cannabidiol Limits T Cell-Mediated Chronic Autoimmune Myocarditis: Implications to Autoimmune Disorders and Organ Transplantation.

Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD)

Heart problems are caused by narrowed heart arteries. When arteries are narrowed, less blood and oxygen reach the heart muscle. This is also called coronary artery disease and coronary heart disease. This can ultimately lead to a heart attack.

IHD is characterized by ischemia (reduced blood supply) to the heart muscle, ischemic heart disease is usually caused by coronary heart disease (caused by atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries). The risk of ischemic heart disease increases with age, smoking, eating processed meat, high levels of cholesterol in the blood, diabetes, and hypertension. Ischemic heart disease is more common in men and in people whose relatives have ischemic heart disease. Signs of ischemic heart disease include angina and decreased endurance and physical fitness. Unstable ischemic heart disease is manifested as pain that worsens over time. Diagnosis of ischemic heart disease is made by blood tests (heart enzymes), ECG, heart tests with effort. Depending on symptoms and risk, treatment for ischemic heart disease can be done through medication or bypass surgery.

CBD as a treatment of ischemic heart disease

One study found that CBD has properties that protect blood vessels by reducing cardiac arrhythmias.

An arrhythmia is a problem with the rate or rhythm of your heartbeat. It means that your heart beats too quickly, too slowly, or with an irregular pattern. When the heart beats faster than normal, it is called tachycardia. When the heart beats too slowly, it is called bradycardia

The anti-arrhythmic feature occurs through an inhibitory effect of CBD on platelet activation. In addition, cannabidiol acts as an agonist of the nuclear factor PPARy, which helps to clear plaques in the heart arteries and reduces blood pressure.

As mentioned above, CBD has a protective effect on blood vessels and the heart when it comes to cardiac ischemia and lack of blood flow to the heart muscle and may in the future constitute a safe preventive treatment without negative side effects.

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Restorative treatment after Heart Attack

A heart attack is caused by the narrowing of the coronary arteries of the heart muscle (ischemia). As a result, oxygen deficiency (hypoxia) and necrosis formed. Myocardial Infarction (MI), popularly known as “heart attack”, is an ischemic heart disease in which a disorder of blood supply to the heart, or part of it, causes the death of myocardial cells in the same region.

Cardiac intimacy is usually due to a blockage of one of the coronary arteries, which is followed by an unstable atrophic plaque in the walls of the artery, on which a blood clot develops that blocks the artery. As a result of the blockage, ischemia develops of myocardial tissue, and if this condition is not treated in a short time, irreversible damage (infrared) may occur in the same cardiac tissue. Early death from a heart attack, during the first month after the event, is estimated at 30%, of which more than half of the deaths occur before arriving at the hospital. Heart disease is one of the most common causes of death in Israel. About 25,000 Israelis have heart disease each year and between 5,000 and 7,000 die from them.

Common symptoms of Myocardial Infarction include sudden and sharp pain in the chest, which is usually discarded to the left arm or neck and jaw, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, sweating, and anxiety. Women sometimes have less typical signs of heart attack than men, such as shortness of breath, weakness, feeling of digestive problems, and fatigue. A considerable percentage of heart attacks are “silent” heart attacks, that is, heart attacks without chest pain or other symptoms.

CBD as a Restorative Treatment after a Heart Attack

Studies have shown that CBD users suffered from necrosis on a smaller scale after a heart attack, and therefore could be cured more quickly. CBD regulates nerve problems, suppresses the over-activity of the nervous system in the heart, lowers inflammation, and prevents oxidative stress. It is the antioxidant activity that heals the heart muscle.


Hypertension or high blood pressure is a chronic disease in which blood pressure is particularly high. The disease is sometimes referred to as the “silent killer” because the person who suffers from it is often unaware of it.

Hypertension can cause continuous vascular damage of sensitive tissues such as the heart, blood vessels in the eye, and nerve tissue in the brain and is one of the risk factors for heart attack, heart failure and is the leading risk factor for chronic kidney disease (CKD). It is estimated that there are between one and two million people in Israel with hypertension. Recent double-blind studies in humans (in which groups are randomly divided and controlled through a placebo (dummy drug) have found that CBD has a balancing effect on blood pressure in cases of high blood pressure. Interestingly, very LOW doses of CBD are enough to lower blood pressure.

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Atherosclerosis – Vascular narrowing in the Heart

The most common in the arteries is called atherosclerosis, in which the arteries are gradually blocked due to the accumulation of fatty substances under the inner layer of the artery wall, and an inflammatory reaction develops in which plaque sinks in the walls of the artery.

Plaque consists of cholesterol that has been submerged from low-density lipoproteins [LDLs], fatty ingredients, and white blood pellets that accumulate due to the inflammatory process. Atherosclerosis can develop in various arteries in the body and damage organs fed through them: brain, heart, kidneys, limbs, and more. Parts of the plaques can detach from the artery wall and block the blood flow to another area. The disease is a major cause of mortality in the Western world, more than any other cause of death combined.

Today, researchers link the appearance of atherosclerosis to the role of the immune system. The retrograde neural signalling of the endocannabinoid system also plays an important role in manifesting atherosclerosis. Experiments in mice found that blocking the CB1 receptors not only helped balance and reduce body weight but also reduced problems with plaque build-up on the artery walls.

The role of the endocannabinoid system in atherosclerosis.

A person aware of the problem and blood vessel troubles of the heart will be able to slow the rate of development of the problem with continuous treatment with CBD.

Cannabinoid receptors in atherosclerosis.

A 2006 study found that CB2 receptors scattered on immune cell membranes are partially activated by the THC cannabinoid, slowing the rate at which heart vessels spread in an experimental model in mice. While the trial has examined the effect of the cannabinoid THC, the other cannabinoid – CBD was also found to slow atherosclerosis development and help reduce the rate of disease progression as a result of its ability to lower blood glucose levels.

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Blood vessels protection: CBD protects brain cells and keeps them alive thanks to its antioxidant feature. Most neurodegenerative diseases are caused by toxins in the brain and the accumulation of a common excitatory neurotransmitter called glutamate Glu. CBD has recently been found to reduce the toxicity of excess glutamate and suppress nerve infections (in studies on mice).

A recent study finds CBD removes plaque from the arteries of rodents.


A medical emergency that can cause permanent nerve damage and death. It is the main cause of disability in adults in the Western world and the second cause of death worldwide. In Israel, according to the Ministry of Health, there are about 15,000 new cases of stroke each year.

A stroke occurs when there is a sudden interruption in the blood supply to certain brain tissue. This disorder causes neurological damage that can be manifested in various ways including speech disorder, weakness or paralysis of the limbs, and difficulties in walking. Sometimes a stroke can cause death. The occurrence of a stroke is a rapid process at the end of which, due to the damage to blood flow to the brain, brain cells are irreversibly damaged and the function for which the affected area of the brain is also responsible is also damaged.

Stroke therapy by CBD

In the past decade, research in medical cannabis has shown that cannabidiol has 4 unique properties in its pharmacological profile, which can help restore restorative treatment after stroke:

1. Independent mechanism of action in the endocannabinoid system in our body without binding to CB1 receptors as THC does. CBD inhibits the FAAH enzyme and thus prevents rapid degradation of anandamide.

2. Long-term protection of the brain after a stroke without developing tolerance to CBD and therefore no need for increased dose after finding the appropriate dose.

3. The properties of CBD as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound will help to recover faster.

4. Researchers currently estimate that precisely the variety of mechanisms of action of CBD and being a “permissive/ promiscuous drug” that acts simultaneously on a large number of target proteins (about 65) in the human body is the cause of its effectiveness in complex biological systems in the brain, after an ischemic stroke.


The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of cannabidiol can provide many medical benefits to the vascular system and heart and reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. CBD is capable of performing the same actions performed by prescription drugs to reduce inflammation and lower high blood pressure.

CBD reduces the damage and potency of cardiac or cerebral ischemia, a study found in mice. In a 2010 study, the results of which were published in the British Journal of Pharmacology, the researchers observed that CBD not only reduces the size of plaques but reduces the severity of arrhythmias during an ischemic attack. Also, cannabidiol acts as an agonist of the nuclear factor PPARγ, which helps to clear blockages in the arteries and reduces blood pressure.

A study conducted at the National Institute of Health [NIH] examined whether cannabidiol could be used as a treatment for vascular complications resulting from diabetes. The researchers specifically looked at whether CBD reduces the chances of cardiomyopathy, which is a heart muscle disease that can also develop in diabetes. They concluded that the findings suggest that CBD reduces the effect of “cardiac fibrosis”, death of myocardial cells, the formation of inflammation in connective tissue, heart dysfunction, and reduces oxidative stress in the tissue.

CBD as preventive medicine for the vascular and heart system:

One of the “miracle drugs” of the 20th century is Aspirin, which doctors recommend to start taking regularly when you begin to approach middle age, the period in which vascular and heart disease begins to surface. Aspirin works in two ways to prevent heart disease: it dilutes the blood, which facilitates its flow in the blood vessels, and prevents a heart attack caused by blockages in the blood vessels.

The second way is to soothe vascular infections, infections that contribute to the development of high blood pressure. Despite the popularity of aspirin, there are quite a few serious side effects caused by aspirin and it is now becoming increasingly apparent that it is not suitable for everyone.

CBD is a great substitute for aspirin that can achieve the same results.

Relaxing blood vessels, lowering blood pressure, and treating infections without the serious side effects associated with aspirin. Cannabidiol does not bind to CB1 and CB2 receptors but inhibits the FAAH enzyme, thus allowing anandamide to bind and activate these receptors.

This is one of the ways in which cannabidiol works in the endocannabinoid system and thus is especially effective in protecting heart health. There are several main ways in which CBD helps with vascular and heart disease:

  • Reducing and calming inflammation.

  • Lowering blood pressure.

  • Minimizing arrhythmias.

  • The sedation action of CBD also acts as an anti-anxiety mechanism, which can help regulate blood vessels during a cardiac event.

  • Reducing oxidative stress in the heart.

The death of cells in the vascular and heart system is often caused by inflammation. Infections are caused by various diseases, viruses, certain medications, and even an attack of an autoimmune disease. Untreated inflammation can also cause death. CBD is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and effectiveness in minimizing and treating acute inflammation.

The endocannabinoid, 2-AG binds to CB2 receptors, thus inhibiting the excessive immune response and preventing the recruiting of cells that cause tissue destruction. Under the influence of CBD, fewer heart muscle cells die as a result of inflammation and the affected cells show faster recovery. In the past two years, CBD has been considered to have promising potential in the field of the treatment of vascular and heart diseases, especially given the recent findings on the importance of endocannabinoids and the endocannabinoid system in processes related to protecting the body from inflammation.

Vascular and heart disease are one of the focuses of interest in CBD and cannabis research in general and there are many studies conducted recently in the field. Many believe that shortly the cannabidiol study will be able to prove its medicinal properties on a global scale. Evident Based Medicine (EBM).

A variety of studies on the subject:

Sickle Cell Disease (SCD)

Sickle cell anemia is an inherited blood disease that causes hemoglobin, which is found in red blood cells and carries oxygen to all cells of the body, to form poorly.

Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a group of blood disorders typically inherited from a person’s parents. The most common type is known as sickle cell anemia.] It results in an abnormality in the oxygen-carrying protein hemoglobin found in red blood cells. This leads to a rigid, sickle-like shape under certain circumstances. Problems in sickle cell disease typically begin around 5 to 6 months of age. Several health problems may develop, such as attacks of pain, anemia, swelling in the hands and feet, bacterial infections, and stroke. Long-term pain may develop as people get older. The average life expectancy in the developed world is 40 to 60 years.

Sickle cell disease occurs when a person inherits two abnormal copies of the β-globin gene (HBB) that makes hemoglobin, one from each parent. This gene occurs in chromosome 11. Several subtypes exist, depending on the exact mutation in each hemoglobin gene. An attack can be set off by temperature changes, stress, dehydration, and high altitude. A person with a single abnormal copy does not usually have symptoms and is said to have sickle cell trait. Such people are also referred to as carriers. Diagnosis is by a blood test, and some countries test all babies at birth for the disease. Diagnosis is also possible during pregnancy.

The care of people with sickle cell disease may include infection prevention with vaccination and antibiotics, high fluid intake, folic acid supplementation, and pain medication. Other measures may include blood transfusion and the medication hydroxycarbamide (hydroxyurea). A small percentage of people can be cured by a transplant of bone marrow cells.

CBD Oil and Sickle Cell Anemia

One of the main symptoms of people suffering from sickle-cell anemia is the pain associated with lodgments of the misshapen red blood cells in the microcapillaries. Pain can also occur from poor oxygenation of the tissue resulting from sickle cell anemia.

In some cases, sufferers are prompted to take potent opioid painkillers to manage the pain. These opioids are a problem over the long term because they’re highly addictive and bring with them a wide range of negative side effects. So people are now starting to use other methods of pain management for this condition such as marijuana and CBD oil.

A questionnaire-based study done on people living with sickle cell disease involved a few questions on marijuana use and the results found that 36% of the 88 patients in the study had used marijuana to treat symptoms of the disorder. 52% of these people used it to reduce the pain associated with the condition, while 77% suggested they used it for sedation or relaxation purposes. Another study used an animal model to look at how cannabinoids can be effective at treating the pain from sickle cell anemia. It found that the primary mechanism was through their ability to stabilize mast cells, which are one of the main drivers of inflammation and pain in the body.

In this same study, cannabinoids were also shown to reduce neuropathic (nerve-related) inflammation involved with sickle cell disease.

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A general list of blood diseases

Diseases of the red blood cells:


A condition in which the blood is not able to carry the amount of oxygen required for the body. Anemia is a symptom, not a disease in itself. Its causes are varied and divided into three groups: too low red blood cells (RBCs), too low hemoglobin in red blood cells, and defects in the structure of hemoglobin protein. Anemia causes fatigue, pallor, chills, and sensitivity to cold environments as well as shortness of breath.


Too many red blood cells. Makes the blood too viscous and flow slowly.

Diseases of white blood cells – Blood Cancer – Leukemia:

Leukemia is a group of blood cancers that usually begin in the bone marrow and result in high numbers of abnormal blood cells. These blood cells are not fully developed and are called blasts or leukemia cells. Symptoms may include bleeding and bruising, bone pain, fatigue, fever, and an increased risk of infections. These symptoms occur due to a lack of normal blood cells. Diagnosis is typically made by blood tests or bone marrow biopsy. The exact cause of leukemia is unknown. A combination of genetic factors and environmental factors is believed to play a role. Risk factors include smoking, ionizing radiation, some chemicals (such as benzene), prior chemotherapy, and Down syndrome. There are four main types of leukemia—acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), acute myeloid leukemia (AML), chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), and chronic myeloid leukemia (CML)—as well as several fewer common types. Leukemias and lymphomas both belong to a broader group of tumours that affect the blood, bone marrow, and lymphoid system, known as tumours of the hematopoietic and lymphoid tissues.

Treatment may involve some combination of chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy, and bone marrow transplant, in addition to supportive care and palliative care as needed.

Multiple Myeloma

Blood cancer is which plasma cells are disrupted in the bone marrow.

Infectious Mononucleosis (“Kissing Disease”)

Infection is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus, which attacks lymphocytes. As with many viral diseases, here too it is possible to notice a decrease in the number of neutrophils (a phenomenon known as neutropenia). The disease manifests itself in sore throat, high fever, and enlarged lymph nodes. In addition, liver function and hepatitis may develop, as well as an enlarged spleen.


Too low several types of white blood cells. Often caused by certain drugs or exposure to radiation and nuclear fallout.


Too low a number of all blood cells (platelets, leukocytes, and erythrocytes). It’s a complete bone marrow failure. It is often caused by medications, toxins, or diseases.

Clotting Diseases –Thrombo-ambulatory Diseases

A symptom caused by several diseases and conditions, in which the blood clots in an increased way, which can cause the formation of stray clots that block blood vessels. The increased coagulation may be caused by damage to the wall of the blood vessels, due to atherosclerosis, for example, which causes platelets to operate in the affected area and the creation of a clot.

Other causes of unwanted coagulation are prolonged motionless lying, surgical surgery, & smoking, whose combination with anti-pregnancy pills further increases the risk of blood clots forming. The resulting clot may detach from the place over time or disintegrate and flow in the blood; When it reaches too narrow a blood vessel, it can block the passage of blood and cause rapid tissue death and stop the functioning of organs. When it happens in the brain, for example, a stroke may occur. When this happens in the coronary arteries a heart attack may develop.

Bleeding Diseases – Thrombocytopenia

The low number of platelets causes severe internal hemorrhage throughout the body, which is caused even by minor trauma. Thrombocytopenia can be caused for many reasons, including self-antibodies (ITP Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic purpura- – drug reaction, vitamin B12 deficiency, or diseases that damage the bone marrow (leukemia or cancerous metastases in the bones).

Liver Dysfunction

In the liver are produced coagulation factors that help in the complex process of blood clotting. When the liver is malfunctioning, for whatever reason, severe bleeding may occur due to a lack of the same factors. Alongside known liver diseases that can cause this condition, such as cirrhosis and hepatitis, vitamin K deficiency can also cause this.


A group of hereditary diseases in which one of the enzymes that help in blood clotting is not produced. This causes severe hemorrucations after injuries, which can cause death if left untreated immediately; In addition, spontaneous bleeding in the joints is caused, which causes joint pain and over time leads to severe damage to them and their dysfunction.

Vascular diseases can be divided into arterial diseases and diseases of veins. The main diseases that humans suffer from:

Peripheral arterial disease

Caused by blockages of arteries that lead blood to the extremities and especially to the lower extremities (legs). This disease is one of the factors of morbidity and mortality from heart disease. Arterial obstruction can occur anywhere in the arterial pathway in the circulatory system, from the aorta to the small blood vessels in the feet. About a fifth of the population over the age of 70 suffer from peripheral arterial disease to some extent.

Coronary Heart Disease

The world’s leading cause of death, which results in about 15% of deaths worldwide.

Atherosclerosis or calcification of the arteries or utherosclus: stinging of the arteries due to the subsidence of oily solids on the walls and secondary inflammation. All arteries of the body may be affected by this process. The most affected arteries are the aorta, leg arteries, arteries, and myocardial arteries. Aortic gradually causes narrowing and cloning of blood vessels to the point of full obstruction. Such blocking is called an invitation. When it occurs in the brain it is a stroke while in the arteries of the heart it is an incubation in the heart muscle (known as a heart attack).

Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are a medical condition in which superficial veins become enlarged and twisted. These veins typically develop in the legs, just under the skin. Varicose veins usually cause few symptoms. However, some individuals may experience fatigue or pain in the area. Complications can include bleeding or superficial thrombophlebitis. Varices in the scrotum are known as a varicocele, while those around the anus are known as hemorrhoids. Due to the various physical, social, and psychological effects of varicose veins, they can negatively affect one’s quality of life.

Varicose veins have no specific cause. Risk factors include obesity, lack of exercise, leg trauma, and family history of the condition. They also develop more commonly during pregnancy. Underlying causes include weak or damaged valves in the veins. Treatment may involve lifestyle changes or medical procedures to improve symptoms and appearance. Lifestyle changes may include wearing compression stockings, exercising, elevating the legs, and weight loss. Possible medical procedures include sclerotherapy, laser surgery, and vein stripping.

Angina Pectoris

Angina pectoris is chest pain or pressure, usually due to insufficient blood flow to the heart muscle (myocardium). Angina is usually due to obstruction or spasm of the arteries that supply blood to the heart muscle. Other causes include anemia, abnormal heart rhythms, and heart failure. The main mechanism of coronary artery obstruction is atherosclerosis as part of coronary artery disease. The term derives from the Latin anger (“to strangle”) and pectus (“chest”), and can therefore be translated as “a strangling feeling in the chest”.

There is a weak relationship between severity of pain and degree of oxygen deprivation in the heart muscle, where there can be severe pain with little or no risk of (heart attack) and a heart attack can occur without pain.

Heart Attack / Myocardial Infarction

Complete obstruction of the coronary artery (which nourishes the heart muscle) suddenly, as a result of chronic atherosclerosis.

Problems with heart valves

Like any other mechanical valve, any of the four heart valves may cause problems of leakage or stinging.

Heart Inflammation or Endocarditis

Inflammation of the endocardium, the outer layer of the heart.


An arrhythmia is a problem with the rate or rhythm of your heartbeat. It means that your heart beats too quickly, too slowly, or with an irregular pattern. When the heart beats faster than normal, it is called tachycardia. When the heart beats too slowly, it is called bradycardia.


Deficiency in calcium, sodium, or potassium. These are not heart diseases, and they also affect other systems in the body, but their effect on the heart is critical.


Faster than normal heart rate (over 100 beats per minute).


Slower than normal heart rate (less than 60 beats per minute).

Heart Muscle Problems

A series of conditions can cause these problems. When the damage is severe, the situation is called Congestive Heart Failure [CHF]. Possible causes: high blood pressure, and myocardial infarction (muscle tissue damaged in the seizure is replaced by a scar, which does not participate in the general effort to pump blood).


Atrophy of the heart muscle; Sometimes it is an inherited disease.


Vasculitis involves inflammation of the blood vessels. The inflammation can cause the walls of the blood vessels to thicken, which reduces the width of the passageway through the vessel. If blood flow is restricted, it can result in organ and tissue damage. There are many types of vasculitis, and most of them are rare.

The cause of some vascular infections is not yet known, among the known causes are injury caused by bacteria, for example, Neisseria meningitidis.

Fungal or viral infections (such as herpes virus). Damage to the immune system as it attacks a disease factor (bacterium, virus). Autoimmune diseases – there are cases in which the body develops self-antibodies that damage blood vessels. For example, ANCA anti-Incas are found in three main diseases of vasculitis: Churg Strauss syndrome, Wegner’s Granulomatosis, and microscopic polyangiitis. Reaction to systemic inflammatory disease response to the drug.

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