Cannabidiol (CBD) has become a natural alternative in recent years for sufferers of fibromyalgia.

What is fibromyalgia and why CBD could be a natural alternative to treating the symptoms of the disease?

A syndrome known under different names and has been studied since the early 19th century. It is defined as a disease from the group of rheumatic diseases. Its main symptoms are muscle pain in many areas of the body, painful sensitivity in pressing at certain points (tender points), usually, symmetry in the body, some stagnation in movements in the mornings, and spontaneous sensations of tingling, sometimes described as “needles and pins”.

These are symptoms of partial damage to the peripheral nerve, plus related symptoms such as non-refreshing sleep, fatigue, attention deficit, and willpower disorders. The disorder is sometimes accompanied by inflammatory joint diseases. It is not characterized by signs of inflammation and should be differentiated from Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA).

Treatment of Fibromyalgia with CBD oil

CBD benefits as a natural treatment for fibromyalgia

  • No need to increase doses, the body hardly develops tolerance or addiction to CBD.

  • No significant side effects.

  • No feeling of High or intoxication and no disruption to the routine of the day

In 2011, the United States carried out a first controlled study on women with fibromyalgia that were treated with medical cannabis. A group of several dozen women took medical marijuana and a placebo drug for several weeks. (Because marijuana was given in smoking, it is safe to assume that patients felt the placebo drug).

However, the results were extremely positive. Although they represented a large variety of pain intensities and related symptoms – patients who received medical marijuana reported a marked improvement in symptoms, relief from muscle pain, better sleep, and pain-free joint movement. In the following years, two other similar clinical studies were conducted in Spain and Israel with similar results showing that CBD may be a natural treatment for fibromyalgia.

This information, together with anecdotal evidence from all over the world and other clinical studies on the endocannabinoid system, intersected with information about the role of anxiety and mental stress in the pathology of the disease, opened a promising new direction for the study and treatment of fibromyalgia using CBD oil. Other directions for the study developed following evidence of central nervous system involvement in the disease and the pain that accompanies it.

During the 2000s and to this day, thousands of fibromyalgia patients began to experience treating the disease with medical cannabis and many studies claim that the invention of THC is important in the treatment, especially in reducing pain symptoms. At the same time, the feeling of “High” that accompanies THC consumption, keeps many people away from using cannabis products.

Clinical studies in CBD to treat the symptoms of fibromyalgia have not been conducted so far, but countless anecdotal reports say that CBD is effective in reducing chronic pain and improving sleep in fibromyalgia, migraines, inflammatory bowel diseases, and other conditions involving chronic pain. In the past decade, a theory has been developed that claims that these three diseases have biochemical characteristics, pathophysiological signs, and similar symptoms, associated with dysfunction of the endocannabinoid system [ECM]. Endocannabinoid deficiency syndrome [EDS] is currently studied in many research centres.

Clinical Endocannabinoid Deficiency (CECD): Can this concept explain the therapeutic benefits of cannabis in migraine, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, and other treatment-resistant conditions?

Is treating fibromyalgia using CBD oil preferable to medical cannabis?

In the past, as long as consumers sought relief from the symptoms of the disease in medical cannabis consumption (characterized by a high THC and low CBD), they could not speculate on the correct doses required to treat fibromyalgia. But today, when CBD products reach the shelves – this is possible. The study of fibromyalgia is still at its beginning and there are not yet enough findings that provide conclusive proof of the cure of fibromyalgia.

In CBD oil treatment, there is no need to increase the doses gradually, tolerance hardly develops and there is no addiction involved. CBD treatments have no special or significant side effects and it is without “high” or intoxication and disruption to the daily routine. All that makes the treatment of fibromyalgia using CBD oil – a natural and safe alternative and effective complementary treatment.

It is worth knowing – There are countries where medical cannabis is licensed for a variety of medical conditions, but in most cases fibromyalgia is not on the list of indications for medical treatment. It is difficult to diagnose the disease and to this day there is no effective treatment.

fibromyalgia keyboard

Symptoms manifested in fibromyalgia in which CBD treatment is effective:

  • Nerve pain
  • Headaches
  • Muscle pain
  • Joint pain
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Insomnia

CBD’s mechanisms of action in the treatment of Fibromyalgia:

  • CBD reduces inflammation in the body & brain which fibromyalgia is the cause of brain fog.

  • CBD is now known in the study that activating glial cells in the brain is key to the development of chronic pain and its intensity in fibromyalgia. (Glia glial cells or Neuroglia) are non-neural support cells for neurons, which nourish and preserve homeostasis. Glial cells protect the brain nerves and also hold neurons in place.

  • CBD has properties that protect the nervous system and can reduce brain damage after trauma by stimulating the cell repair process.

  • CBD has an anti-anxiety feature, reduces and calms the flight or fight system (bread or flight) associated with high stress.

  • CBD has anti-inflammatory properties and is effective in treating arthritis and neuropathic pain, both of which are the main causes of pain in fibromyalgia. A study examining cannabinoid deficiency theory found that in fibromyalgia, migraines, and inflammatory bowel disease, common clinical conditions, and similar pathophysiological patterns are observed that indicate endocannabinoid dysfunction.

A positive correlation was found between endocannabinoid levels such as anandamide and 2-AG and the severity and duration of the disease. The more endocannabinoids in the blood, the more acute the disease. Any imbalance of the endocannabinoid system can be treated with phytocannabinoids. (Active ingredients in cannabis plant/cannabidiol).

Is CBD oil safe for use by humans for the treatment of Fibromyalgia?

  • CBD has been tested and studied for several decades in humans and animals and is well known to have a very low level of toxicity in humans. It is considered much safer than other pain treatments, especially painkiller drugs that have negative side effects, especially on people with gastrointestinal and vascular, and heart problems.

  • CBD is not addictive and the body does not develop tolerance towards it, using opioids requires gradual and rapidly developing doses tolerable to the effects of painkillers.

  • CBD can help treat addictions and recovery from opioid, cocaine, and nicotine addiction.

What are the effects of CBD on fibromyalgia?

It is important to note that CBD affects each person individually. Some people react very quickly to cannabidiol mainly in pain relief, others feel the effect after a long time and some barely feel relief.

Most patients who use CBD as a natural treatment for fibromyalgia quickly find the dose and the form of consumption that has the maximum effect on their condition and maintains stability and continuity in treatment.

Fibromyalgia – Reducing Symptoms & Rebalance With CBD


  • No prescription or license for medical cannabis is required to order and use CBD products.
  •  The effect of the CBD begins to appear between one and four days or so, from the beginning of use. In MOYA products characterized by high CBD concentrations, it is recommended to start from two drops per day (about 20mg of CBD) and every two days raise in a drop, until the desired dose is found. Further highlights and tips on how CBD may serve as a natural treatment for fibromyalgia can be obtained in the beginner consumer guide.
  •  The World Health Organization (WHO) determined in 2017 that CBD is safe to use and has no risk of dependence or addiction.
  • CBD may certainly help sleep problems but it is important to remember that it does not act as a conventional “sleeping pill”.
    The action of CBD is aimed at repairing and rebalancing the sleep mechanism. Sometimes at the beginning of use it causes over-arousal or oversleepness, this effect is balanced after a few days.
    After a few days of use (not necessarily before bedtime) a change in sleep pattern is usually noticeable, it becomes deeper, fuller and high quality, the anesthesisiose is easier and the awakening is with a feeling of “battery filling”.
  • CBD products contain less than 0.2% THC (the intoxicating molecule in the cannabis plant) and that is why these products have no intoxicating effect. Medical cannabis products typically contain more than 1% THC and a feeling of intoxication that THC causes may impair daily functioning. With the exception of relatively few cases, fibromyalgia is not listed on the Ministry of Health’s list of contraindications for obtaining a medical cannabis license Most fibromyalgia patients who have experienced CBD products report a significant improvement in symptoms, indicating that the CBD helps them function and manage daily routines.

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