List Of Drugs That May Conflict With CBD

How do I know if a prescription drug you are taking conflicts with CBD?

Our use is given a warning that accompanies the taking of certain medications – not to eat or drink grapefruit for the entire duration of use of the drug.

The doctor who registers the drug should warn the consumer before using the drug that a collision between the drug and grapefruit may have bad results. Pharmaceutical companies are also obliged to warn consumers about not using grapefruit and the warning can be searched in a newsletter to the customer or on the drug’s website. 

Why grapefruit? Grapefruit contains plant chemicals called Furanocoumarins that inhibit one of the enzymes responsible for the breakdown of drugs in the body (the enzyme CYP3A4 is found in the liver and in the walls of the small intestine). The result of inhibiting the enzyme is a significant increase in the level of drugs in the blood and a worsening of their side effects. It should be noted that this effect of inhibiting enzymes from pharmaceutical joints is probably also responsible for plant chemicals called flavonoids that are also found in grapefruits. 

Medications that should not be taken with grapefruit: (and therefore also avoid taking CBD) Are there many medicines that are affected by grapefruit juice? There are currently more than 85 drugs affected by grapefruit juice. These include, but are not:

  • Medications to treat high cholesterol levels: Statin family drugs, especially symbastin and atovervastatin
  • Immune system suppressive drugs to treat organ transplant recipients such as cyclosporin and crolimus
  • Medications to treat arrhythmias like amiodrone and rhondron
  • Anti-allergy medications like Astemizole and Terfenadine.
  • New cancer treatment drugs mainly from the family of the enzyme inhibitors Tyrosine kinase as immathinib.
  • Examples of drugs that also inhibit the enzyme: antibiotics from the macrolydes family such as macrothromycein
  • Antifungals like Itarconsoll drugs to treat HIV, HIV carriers
  • A long list of drugs that conflict with CYP3A4 can be found in the following link
  • Another updated list of drugs that may conflict with the enzyme can be found in the value of the enzyme in Wikipadia
*The Guide to Drug Conflicts and the List of Medications accompanying the guide found on this site have not been examined by the Ministry of Health / HKR, and/or received dedicated approval from these bodies.

*The Guide to Drug Conflicts and the List of Medications accompanying the guide found on this site were not examined by the Ministry of Health / HKR, and/or received a dedicated approval from these bodies. The content in the manual and the list of medicines is intended to provide information and are not a substitute for professional advice or constitute a certified ghost recommendation.

Amidokur, Procor, Amyukard, Amidrodon Cordarone >Amiodarone Hydrochloride Not recommended to take with CBD Cardiovascular A drug to treat arrhythmias Heart rate problems
Moltaq Drondron. >Dronedarone Not recommended to take with CBD Cardiovascular A drug to treat arrhythmias Heart rate problems
Tikosyn >dofetilide Not recommended to take with CBD Cardiovascular A drug to treat arrhythmias
Dizophiramid, Rythmical >disopyramide (Norpace) Not recommended to take with CBD Anti-arrhythmias
propafenone (Rythmol) Propex, Rhythmx >PROPAFENONE HYDROCHLORIDE We do not have enough information – it is recommended to consult a specialist Cardiovascular
Carwedxon (Coreg) >Carvedilol We do not have enough information – it is recommended to consult a specialist Cardiovascular
Quinidex, Cardioquin, Quinora >quinidine Not recommended to take with CBD Cardiovascular A drug to treat arrhythmias
Teva ciprofloxacin, ciprodex, ciproxin, gyroflox, ciprofloxcin >Ciprofloxacin Ciprofloxacin Ciprofloxacin Ciprofloxacin (Ciprofloxacin) Not recommended to take with CBD Antibiotics and antifungal drugs Anti-contamination for systemic use. High level of the drug in the blood may worsen dangerous side effects associated with these drugs
Tabanik, Levoploxacin >Levofloxacin Not recommended to take with CBD Antibiotics and antifungal drugs Anti-contamination for systemic use. High level of the drug in the blood may worsen dangerous side effects associated with these drugs
Doxie, Doxielin, Vibracina >Doxycycline Hydrochloride Not recommended to take with CBD Antibiotics and antifungal drugs Anti-contamination for systemic use. High level of the drug in the blood may worsen dangerous side effects associated with these drugs
Spurnox, Iternolltrakonzol Sporanox >Itraconazole Not recommended to take with CBD Antibiotics and antifungal drugs Anti-contamination for systemic use. High level of the drug in the blood may worsen dangerous side effects associated with these drugs
Warfarin, Warfarin >Warfarin Sodium Very not recommended to take with CBD!! Anticoagulants The circulatory system. A high level of the drug can cause excessive blood thinning. Sometimes the result is not diagnosed, since it is an internal process. Sometimes nosebleeds and bruises are the first signs
Krabi, Tagrol, Terrill, Timonil Rettre >Carbamazepine Not recommended to take with CBD nervous system Anticonvulsant Blur, slowing breathing. Pages/medicines.aspx?idd=5327
Lîsterl, Sarterlin-Nature, Serenade >Sertraline Not recommended to take with CBD nervous system Antidepressants Too high a level of the drug in the blood, which causes side effects such as anxiety , dizziness, nausea / vomiting and diarrhea
Pavoxil, Fluvoxamine Nature >Fluvoxamine Maleate Not recommended to take with CBD nervous system For the treatment of depression and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). From the SSRI family, this drug is known to inhibit the activity of the enzyme in the liver cytochrome 450, which is responsible for the decomposition of drugs and other substances in the liver,
Alterol, Alterolette, Triptal, Amitriptylene >Amitriptyline Hydrochloride Not recommended to take with CBD nervous system Anti-anxiety
Sorbon Sorbon Sorbon >Buspirone Not recommended to take with CBD nervous system Anti-anxiety Blur, Interruptions in Thinking
Clonazepam, Ritwill, Kloenex Clonex Rivotril Rivotril >Clonazepam (Klonopin) Not recommended to take with CBD nervous system Anti-anxiety
Clovazam, Frisium >Clobazam Not recommended to take with CBD Anti-anxiety, anti-epileptic
Aswal, Diazepam Dzitin, Sesolid, >Diazepam Not recommended to take with CBD nervous system Anti-anxiety Respiratory disorders See also medications for sleep disorders.
Looper, Friedor, Friquette, Heldall >Haloperidol Not recommended to take with CBD nervous system Anti-anxiety
Midazolam, Midholm, Versed Generation >Midazolam Not recommended to take with CBD nervous system Anti-anxiety Slow pulse
Amlodipine, Norvask, Amlow >Amlodipine Not recommended to take with CBD Antihyhytension medications, including calcium channel blockers Fast pulse, low blood pressure, fainting.
Dilitem, Addism, Dilatam, Labudex >Diltiazem Hydrochloride Can be taken with CBD supervised by a doctor Antihyhytension medications, including calcium channel blockers. Easy interaction only
Pandil, FludifinPlendil >Felodipine Not recommended to take with CBD Antihyhytension medications, including calcium channel blockers. Rapid heartbeat, low blood pressure, fainting
Lusartan, Lusardex, Lotan, Oxar, Luserta, >Losartan Potassium Not recommended to take with CBD Antihyhytension medications, including calcium channel blockers. High level of the drug in the blood, low blood pressure, dizziness, fainting, rapid heartbeat
Nipadipin-Teva XL, Osmo Adelt, Presolt, Nippypress, NifdilongOsmo Adalat >Nifedipine Not recommended to take with CBD Antihyhytension medications, including calcium channel blockers. Rapid heartbeat, low blood pressure, fainting
Apokor, Ikcor, Ikpress, Vercur, Verpers and Rapavan, and Rapamil >Verapamil Hydrochloride Can be taken with CBD supervised by a doctor Antihyhytension medications, including calcium channel blockers. Easy interaction only
Theophylline (theodore, theotras) >Theophylline Can be taken with CBD supervised by a doctor Respiratory Relief Medications There may be a decrease in the effect of the drug.
Digoxin (Lennoxin) Lennoxin Syrup, Digoxin Pharma Foundation, Lennoxin Solution >Digoxin Not recommended to take with CBD Cardiovascular. Cardiaal glycosides Interaction increases or reduces the absorption of the drug, depending on the general state and level of fluids in the body
Sildnafil (Viagra) and other drugs to improve sexual function >Sildenafil Not recommended to take with CBD Medications to treat erectile dysfunction Headaches, hot flashes, digestive disorders
Levitra Cialis vardenafil >tadalafil Not recommended to take with CBD Medications to treat erectile dysfunction
Drugs containing estrogen > ASTROGEN Femint – contraceptives – no problem to take with CBD Birth control pills and hormone replacement therapy Increase in estrogen-related side effects, such as dizziness, breast pain, restlessness, sleep disturbances, nausea/vomiting, joint pain
Drugs containing testosteronetosviron Defoe >Testosterone Esters CBD may be taken in consultation with a treating doctor Urinary genitalia and sex hormones There is not enough information on the subject to determine whether cbd use impairs testosterone levels.
Sandimon Nioral, Cyclosporin, Deximon, Sandimon, Restiss, Neoralral >Cyclosporin Not recommended to take with CBD Treatments for mamy and immune system Liver and kidney damage
Ceiling, Thecrossal, Prograf, Advograph >Tacrolimus Not recommended to take with CBD Treatments for mamy and immune system Liver and kidney damage
Glybeck, Imatinib Nature Gleevec >Imatinib Not recommended to take with CBD Treatments for mamy and immune system
Triazolam Halcion Halcion >Triazolam benzodiazepines Not recommended to take with CBD Medications for sleep disorders Increased blur, slowing breathing and heart rate
Diazepam, Asibal, Valium, Aswell, Diaz, Sesolide >Diazepam Not recommended to take with CBD Anti-anxiety, hypnotic (anesthesiography), anti-epileptic, anti-conversive Increased blur, slowing breathing and heart rate
Methadone (Adoln) >Methadone Not recommended to take with CBD Pain medications Increases the level of the drug in the blood and causes increased blurring, slowing breathing, disorders of thinking and bradycardia. CBD can be a substitute for Adoln in assisting with a detox process.
Nexium, Asomperazole >Esomeprazole Not recommended to take with CBD PPI (proton pump inhibitors). It inhibits the secretion of acid in the digestive tract. It is recommended to avoid a high dose of CBD for those taking a high dose of ncium to lower acid production in the stomach. The drug inhibits the enzyme CYP2C19 that may be involved in the metabolism of CBD in the liver. And this is the enzyme: https:// Cannabidiol involves this enzyme and therefore 2 inhibitors together – not desirable.
Atohrbastatin Lipitor, Littorba, Download >Atorvastatin Not recommended to take with CBD A non-conflicting drug can be replaced. Cholesterol-lowering drugs from the statin family Muscle pain, headache, rabadomylysis, liver or kidney damage, leg cramps and neuropathy
Flubstatin (lascol) >Sodium flubstatin Not recommended to take with CBD A non-conflicting drug can be replaced. Cholesterol-lowering drugs from the statin family Muscle pain, headache, rabadomylysis, liver or kidney damage, leg cramps and neuropathy
LubsttinMevacor >Lovastatin Not recommended to take with CBD A non-conflicting drug can be replaced. Cholesterol-lowering drugs from the statin family. Muscle pain, headache, rabadomylysis, liver or kidney damage, leg cramps and neuropathy
Simbastatin-Teva, Simbeckson, Symbobot, Simbacor) >Simvastatin Not recommended to take with CBD A non-conflicting drug can be replaced. Cholesterol-lowering drugs from the statin family. Muscle pain, headache, rabadomylysis, liver or kidney damage, leg cramps and neuropathy
Karin, Calside, Baxin Klacid Claridex, Clarythromycin, Clarythromycin Hexel >Clarithromycin Not recommended to take with CBD Anti-contamination for systemic use Antibiotics from the macrolydes family that will be effective against a wide range of bacteria
Anaphril, Maronil, Anafranil, Maronil Clomipramine >Clomipramine Not recommended to take with CBD nervous system Antidepressant Tricyclic antidepressant – there is probably a drug-drug interaction with CBD and therefore not recommended. CYP2D6
PlavixClude, Clopidogral Nature, Klopixel >Clopidogrel Not recommended to take with CBD Blood vessels and heart The drug inhibits a liver enzyme Cyp2 c19 and should avoid a high dose of cannabidiol
For trozool >Letrozole Not recommended to take with CBD Inhibits two cyp450 enzymes
Hismanal >astemizole Not recommended to take with CBD Allergy medications
Terpenaddin >terfenadine Not recommended to take with CBD Allergy cure
Eric, Eritrero-Teva, Erithroull, Erythromyzin, Erithropod, Frimzin Slurry >erythromycin Possible to take with CBD but the drug’s efficacy may be impaired Anti-contamination for systemic use Minor collision only
Nizoral Crème Nizoral >ketoconazole skin
Posicor >mibefradil Not recommended to take with CBD Prohibited by the FDA
NitraspamMogodon >nitrazepam Not recommended to take with CBD Benzodiazepines, sleep
Xanax Alperazolam Xanax, Xangis, Alperlid >alprazolam Not recommended to take with CBD Benzodiazepines, anti-anxiety,
Doral, Dormalin Not Marketed in Israel >quazepam Not recommended to take with CBD
Dexedrine, Adderall Desoxyn >Dextroamphetamine levoamphetamine methamphetamine Not recommended to take with CBD From Trumpmines
Norbir, Ritunvir Norvir >ritonavir Not recommended to take with CBD Anti-contamination for systemic use
Lîsterl, Sartrelin-Nature, Serenade, Zoloft , Lustral >sertraline Not recommended to take with CBD nervous system
(Covera-HS, Calan, Verelan, and Isoptin) Apokor, Ikcor, Ikpress, Vercur, Verpeppers, Verfven, Verfamil >verapamil Hydrochloride Not recommended to take with CBD Cardiovascular
(Cafergot, Ergomar) >ergotamine Not recommended to take with CBD Migraine cure Alkaloids
Elavil, Endep, VanatripAltrol, Alterolette, Triptel, Amitriptylene >Amitriptyline Hydrochloride Not recommended to take with CBD Nervous system a cure for migraine
Nimotop, Brinell Tab (Nimotop) >nimodipine Not recommended to take with CBD Blood vessels in the brain Migraine cure
Ebrolette, Avrolet Forte, Paracetamol, Paracetamol, Forte Paracetamol, Dexamol Kid, Paramole, Supermole M, Novimol Drops, Baby Paracetamol, Paracetamol for Older Children, Amamul, Abemol, Paramol Cat, Ramadol 6+ 250 mg/5 ml >Acetaminophen paracetamol Tylenol Possible take with CBD – very low collision. nervous system The act of the procedure will be impaired
(Biltricide) Biltride >praziquantel We do not have enough information – it is recommended to consult a specialist Treatment of killer parasites and insect repels
(Otezla) Otzela >Apremilast We do not have enough information – it is recommended to consult a specialist Skin; treatments for memes and the immune system; Muscle – skeleton, medicine for the treatment of psoriasis
Subutex, Buttrans >Buprenorphine Hydrochloride Not recommended to take with CBD nervous system
(Buspar) Bospiron, >Buspirone Not recommended to take with CBD Anti-anxiety
Kodikal, Dance >Codeine Phosphate Possible take with CBD supervised by a doctor nervous system Respiratory system Only a minor conflict
(Nolvadex), Tamouffen, Tamoxen, Nolbedex, Noldex Di, Tamoxifen >Tamoxifen Citrate Possible take with CBD supervised by a doctor Treatments for mamy and immune system A little collision will slightly reduce the effect of tamoxifen
Seroquel Sroquale, Quotyapin Nature, Seroquel XR >Quetiapine Possible take with CBD supervised by a doctor nervous system
(Prandin), Novonorm, Raglinide-Teva, Raudon >Repaglinide We do not have enough information – it is recommended to consult a specialist Gastrointestinal tract and metabolism
Percodan Oxycod, OxyContin, OxyCod Forte >Oxycodone Hydrochloride nervous system
(Losec, Prilosec) Lusk, Umperdex, Omperazole >Omeprazole Gastrointestinal tract and metabolism
Cozaar Oxer, Lotan, Luserta, Losardex >Losartan Potassium Cardiovascular
Tarceva Tresbah >Erlotinib Treatments for mamy and immune system

Important note:

A number of cholesterol-lowering drugs (statins) are on the list of possible collisions with CBD. People who use cholesterol-lowering statins and wish to incorporate CBD to treat other medical conditions can ask their attending physician to see if the medication they are taking can be replaced with the same drug for the same purpose that does not conflict with CBD for example: 

1. pravastatin Pravachol Prevastatin-Teva, Prevalip 

2. Fluvastatin Lescol 3. Crestor, Rozovstatin Nature, Stator: rosuvastatin Crestor Startor 20 

3. These drugs are not affected by grapefruit juice and do not inhibit or expedite cyp enzymes in the liver. 

In case of doubt and/or question, consult your physician.

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